Seven travel trends to expect as the year turns

As flights and accommodations get cheaper and the natural wonders become more accessible, the number of tourists everywhere increases. The travel industry has been one to notice as it grows and gets better as years go by. Does the world still have more to expect from the growing industry? Image source: Pet travel has always been a battle for many pet parents. Millennials and younger children can’t live without their pets and the thought of going on a trip without them is already heartbreaking. There will be pet-friendly flights and hotel amenities dedicated to furry friends starting this year. More and more people are switching to a plant-based lifestyle , which also concerns the travel industry. Airlines, hotels, and restaurants frequented by travelers will become more vegan-friendly in 2020. Jessica Leonard. Image source: As inspired by Greta Thunberg, ecotourism will play a huge part in the industry this year. The yo...